Krishna Mohini is a popular Hindi serial airing on Colors TV. The show premiered on [insert date] and has been captivating audiences with its unique retelling of the classic mythological story.
- Tina Datta as Mohini
- Saurabh Raj Jain as Lord Krishna
- Barkha Sengupta as Rukmini
- total cast – 15 members
Total Episodes:
Krishna Mohini has aired 200 episodes so far, with new episodes airing daily.
The show revolves around the story of Lord Krishna and Mohini, a powerful apsara (nymph). The serial explores their divine love story, as well as the battles between good and evil.
Where to Watch:
Catch Krishna Mohini on Colors TV, Monday to Friday at 9:00 PM. You can also watch the show online on Apne TV, Voot, or Colors TV’s official website.
Monday to Friday, 9:00 PM
Krishna Mohini is a must-watch for fans of mythological dramas. With its talented cast, engaging storyline, and daily episodes, this show is sure to transport you to a world of divine love and epic battles. Don’t miss out – tune in to Colors TV or watch online today!