Aankh Micholi: A Star Plus Serial
“Aankh Micholi” is a captivating drama series premiered on Star Plus in 2024. The series boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Khushi Dubey and Navneet Malik in the lead roles. The cast includes notable actors like Hitesh Bharadwaj, Bhakti Rathod, Alisha Prajapati, and many others.
Release Date
The Hindi serials in apne Tv series premiered on Star Plus on January 22, 2024. It has captivated audiences with its intriguing plot and compelling performances ever since.
The trailer for “Aankh Micholi” was released, and it successfully piqued the audience’s interest. The trailer gave a glimpse of the riveting storyline and the challenges faced by the lead characters.
Number of Total Episodes
The series has a total of 81 episodes. Each episode brings new twists and turns, keeping the audience hooked to their screens.
“Aankh Micholi” has received positive reviews for its engaging storyline and strong performances. The series has been praised for its adept characters and promising plot. The series has also been appreciated for its depiction of the Gujarati culture and the contrast between the aspirations of the lead characters.
Latest Details for Serials
“Aankh Micholi” is telecast on the Star Plus channel from Monday to Friday at 6:30 PM. The series follows the hardships of Rukmini, an IPS aspirant married to a fifth-grade pass tea seller named Sumedh. The series beautifully captures Rukmini’s dual life and her challenges maintaining her cover.
In conclusion, “Aankh Micholi” is a must-watch for those who enjoy drama series with a blend of love, suspense, and hidden identities. The series promises a captivating viewing experience with its adept characters, intriguing plot, and stellar performances.