Sunny Kaushal was recently seen in the movie Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba. On a personal note, there have been rumors for some time that he is dating his former co-star Sharvari Wagh. In a recent interview, Sunny talked about these rumors and how fans are pairing them together. He shared that, as a kid, he also used to believe that on-screen couples like Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol were a real-life couple.
In a chat with Zoom, Sunny was asked how he felt about people shipping him and Sharvari. He replied, “I think it’s sweet… people shipping co-actors and friends together.”
Sunny explained that as a child, he would ship actors together, thinking they were real-life couples. When asked if he was referring to Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol, he agreed, saying, “Yeah, we grew up doing that. For the longest time, I thought they were real-life couples.”
Sunny finds it interesting to be on the other side of this now, and he views it as a fun way for fans to show their love by creating posts that ship actors together.
When asked if he was single and not dating anyone, Sunny confirmed that he is indeed single. Regarding the rumors about him and Sharvari, he shared that they just laugh about it because there’s nothing else they can do.
Sunny and Sharvari often support each other’s projects on social media. Recently, Sunny gave a shoutout to Sharvari’s upcoming film Vedaa, and she praised his work in Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba.
Sharvari shared her thoughts on the romantic thriller on her Instagram Stories, praising Sunny’s performance along with his co-stars Taapsee Pannu and Vikrant Massey. She wrote, “What an exciting watch! I was on the edge of my sofa! @sunsunnykhez Incredible performance!! @taapsee @vikrantmassey The 3 of y’all hit it outta the park! @netflix in @kanika.d Big Congratulations.” Sunny thanked her using the cute nickname “Sharu” that he has for her.