Anupamaa has been one of the most popular and top-rated TV shows for a long time, with a huge fan following. The show stars Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna in the lead roles and has received a lot of love from viewers. Recently, Sudhanshu Pandey, who played Vanraj Shah, a main character, left the show midway.
According to a source from Times Now, Sudhanshu Pandey’s departure from Anupamaa might be linked to Rupali Ganguly. There is no clear information on whether Sudhanshu was removed from the show or left on his own. It’s been reported that Sudhanshu and Rupali had frequent arguments on set, which could be a reason for his exit.
There have also been rumors about Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna, and Aurra Bhatnagar leaving the show. However, Aurra denied these rumors in an interview with Pinkvilla, saying that it was just gossip and her parents were not informed about any upcoming changes.
On August 28, Sudhanshu Pandey went live on Instagram to announce his exit from Anupamaa. He has been playing Vanraj Shah since the show started, and he apologized to his fans for leaving suddenly. During the live session, Sudhanshu mentioned that he has not been part of the show since the Raksha Bandhan sequence but did not explain why he left.
With Sudhanshu’s departure, there will likely be a significant change in the storyline. It remains to be seen whether his character, Vanraj, will be replaced or if his story will be concluded in upcoming episodes.
Anupamaa, produced by Rajan Shahi, also features talented actors like Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna, Madalsa Sharma, Nidhi Shah, and Nishi Saxena. The show first aired on July 13, 2020, and has remained a top-rated show for several years.