Comedian Rajiv Thakur has been a key cast member of The Great India Kapil Show, which was a popular comedy show on Sony Entertainment Television under the name The Kapil Sharma Show. Earlier this year, the show moved to Netflix. Rajiv recently addressed whether the show’s ratings changed after the move to the streaming platform.
In an interview with Telly Chakkar, Rajiv was asked why the show didn’t achieve the same success on Netflix as it did on TV. He explained, “Actually, people have a misunderstanding that the show didn’t do well. Everyone can watch TV, but if the show wasn’t successful on Netflix, they wouldn’t have made a second season. Netflix is a professional company that only looks at the numbers.”
Rajiv did not comment on how he personally managed the situation during Sunil Grover’s controversies. However, he strongly defended the show’s performance on Netflix when asked about its success despite his hard work.
He said, “Netflix’s viewership numbers for The Kapil Sharma Show have increased. Fans who love Kapil Sharma have subscribed to Netflix to watch the show. It’s a success that you can move your audience to a new platform.”
Online reports mention that The Great India Kapil Show Season 2 is set to premiere on Netflix on September 21. The show’s cast includes Kapil Sharma, Rajiv Thakur, Archana Puran Singh, Sunil Grover, Krushna Abhishek, and Kiku Sharda.