Kishori Lal says that what is written in Bhagya can’t be argued with because Sagar has found his Jhanvi and Vedika has also begun to love him. He asks how they can stop it. Padma says that GhatuSham jee gave Vedika to her. Kishori lal tells her to care for and raise her but not always be in charge, and now it’s time to tell her the truth about her mother. Padma sits back on the bed and says that can’t happen because Vedika is her daughter. Kishori lal says that a mother has felt the same way for twenty years. Padma replies that she won’t tell Vedika the truth and will never send her to that house because animals live there and even her mother didn’t trust her.
As she talks to Gautham, Saraswathi thinks why she didn’t believe her, so she needs to find a different way to talk to Vedika and say sorry. Saraswathi says that when Vedika told her that she would never be like her mother, she felt like she had lost another daughter and could have hurt her own Jhanvi. She keeps crying and asking herself how she can do it.
Vedika wants to know what happened to her because Sagar isn’t right for her. Sagar, who is standing in the window, says, “I know his family has been wronged, but I promise to fix everything!” He then asks her if she even trusts him. He says that every time he meets Vedika, he feels like he’s known her for years, but he doesn’t know if she feels the same way about him. Vedika replies that she needs to use her head and not her heart to make decisions. She knows that their paths are similar, but their destinations will never be the same. How can she accept the family that has hurt them all so much? She knows that Sagar has helped her and her family a lot, but they will never meet. Vedika is emotional.
Once Sagar wakes up in the morning, the sun on his face makes him think of Vedika. He picks up the phone to call her right away. After getting out of bed, Sagar immediately gets ready and stands in front of the mirror. He thinks that it would be better if they talked face-to-face and let all of their feelings out. Sagar asks himself why he is so nervous and tells himself to stay strong. He sees Vedika’s face in the mirror and tries to touch her, but then realises it was all in his mind. Sagar tells Vedika that he is going to talk about his heart today, and she needs to listen. Sagar’s smile shows that he got raining for her smile because she is the one his heart has accepted. He hates seeing her cry, but he loves seeing her smile.
When Kishori Lal comes out, he sees Padma holding the holy pot. When he asks her if she knows what they need to do, she tries to leave, but Vedika answers the doorbell. Kishori Lal keeps looking at her and then goes to comfort her by asking if she is going to tell her. Padma tells her that it is time to tell Vedika the whole truth about her life because a mother can’t look her daughter in the eyes and see pain and sadness. Kishori Lal tells Padma that she is a real mother. She knocks on Vedika’s door again, but no one answers. Padma wonders why she isn’t opening the door, so they both go into the room and find that Vedika isn’t there. Padma wonders where she went so early in the morning, and Kishori Lal gets a text message saying that she was bored and went to the Mandir of GhatuSham.
Vedika is doing prayers in the Mandir. She tells him that she has come to him with a lot of hope because she doesn’t know the answers to her own questions and asks him to help her find them. Sagar stands next to her and asks her why she is making fun of GhatuSham jee when he is the one who can answer all of her questions. Then Sagar tells Pandit jee that Pandit jee should serve the flowers from both of them because Sagar brought the yellow flower to serve in front of GhatuSham. Vedika asks him why he is here, and Sagar says that he thought he would find Vedika here because today is a very important day and they met at the Mandir. Pandit jee leaves, telling them that GhatuSham jee would definitely give them what they want. When Vedika comes back, they both do the routine. Sagar says that he and Vedika both couldn’t sleep last night. Vedika tells him that she has to leave, but Sagar tells her to screw up all of her plans. When Vedika says she’s going to leave, Sagar tells her that she knows the basic rule of being a lawyer: they can’t leave until they’ve heard the other lawyer’s case. Vedika asks who will decide what is right and wrong, and Sagar says they should let Bhagya and fate decide. Sagar says he has seen how his mother and father’s relationship was based on agreement. He says it was mostly his mother who had to make all the sacrifices and suffer because of it. Even after that, she only had thorns in her path and not a flower.
Sagar says that both Kamal uncle and Saraswathi Chachi respect each other, but their relationship is just based on respect. He has never seen them both fall in love with each other. After seeing them do that, he had given up on finding someone in his life, but then she came into it. She made him so mad that he was furious with her; he says he would have reacted the same way if she had come up to him. It was fate that she became his employee, and she would just talk about the law, but over time h Sagar says that her words had started to move him, and he wanted to do something nice. He also says that when she won the first case, he felt like it was his own victory, and he had such a strong connection with just one person, Jhanvi. Sagar says that they were together as kids, but Jhanvi left, leaving a hole in his heart that Vedika filled. As AJ and Shivangi came over, Sagar says he would get very jealous, which was a first for him. Sagar asks who is looking for someone in the freezer, and Vedika walks in and says she doesn’t even know AJ’s name. Sagar says he was scared, which was true, and he opened the freezer door and picked her up. Hearing her breathing made him feel like he was still alive. Sagar turns Vedika towards him and tells her that seeing her dance in the rain made him feel calm. He is telling the truth when he says that he has never felt this way about anyone else. He says that he feels like he has known Vedika for a long time. Sagar tells her that he wants to spend his whole life with her, through all of his happiness and sadness. He says he won’t kneel down to say “I love you,” and Vedika keeps crying as she looks at him. Vedika asks him to say it again, and Sagar does. Vedika then gives him the same answer, which makes them both very happy. Sagar asks what she meant because he didn’t understand, and he also asks if she really loves him. Sagar can’t hold back his emotions and moves closer to Vedika.
They can’t be together because their names are different, Vedika says. She is Vedika Sharma and he is Sagar Maheshwari. Kishori Lal tells Vedika that they are not her real parents. Vedika says that she knows her parents left her and then took her in. Padma says that her parents did not leave her.