The episode begins with Goldie, Riya, Kripal, and Ranjeeta visiting Manoj’s house. Kavita complains to Ranjeeta, while Surinder accuses Manoj of tricking them and taking 25 lakhs. Surinder tells Kohli to call Manoj, and Kripal grabs Kohli by the collar. Just then, Manoj calls Megha. Goldie tells her to answer. Manoj apologizes for not being in touch for two days. Surinder tells Megha to ask him about the money, so Kohli takes the phone and confronts Manoj, saying that Surinder claims they took his money. Manoj, surprised, asks Megha if something is wrong. Megha explains that 10 lakhs were withdrawn from her account, and she found out that he took a 15 lakh loan in her name. Manoj admits to taking both the 10 lakhs and the 15 lakh loan, shocking everyone.
Megha asks why he kept this from her. Manoj asks her to come to Georgia so he can explain everything. Surinder refuses to let Megha go. Manoj insists that Surinder thinks he’s a cheat and that their marriage is at risk. He tries to convince Megha that he loves her and that coming to Georgia will clear up all doubts. Despite Surinder’s objections, Megha agrees. Manoj thanks her for trusting him and promises to fix everything. After the call, Manoj smiles, while Kavita sarcastically asks if everyone is satisfied now. Megha, still upset, leaves with her family.
Later, Megha checks the Georgia embassy website and realizes she has no tracking number because Manoj took all her documents. She asks Ranjeeta for help but decides to handle the situation alone. Megha heads to Arjun’s house, where she asks to speak with him. Arjun, unaware of her visit, is busy dancing. When he finally sees her, he’s surprised and asks why she’s there. Megha explains she needs help with her visa, but Arjun suggests she check online. When she says she can’t, he realizes something is wrong and apologizes for his earlier remarks. Arjun then calls a contact in the foreign ministry to help Megha. While waiting, Arjun offers her a change of clothes as she’s drenched and might catch a cold. Megha changes her clothes, and Arjun receives a call from the embassy, looking worried.