Khamoshiyaan Gungunaane Lagi: A Star Plus Serial
“Khamoshiyaan Gungunaane Lagi” is a captivating Hindi drama series premiered on Star Plus. The series features a talented cast, including Chiraiyya, Saarang, and Shreenu.
Release Date
The Hindi serials in apne Tv series first aired on Star Plus on April 3, 2024. Since then, it has been a favorite among viewers for its compelling storyline and relatable characters.
The “Khamoshiyaan Gungunaane Lagi” trailer was released before the show’s premiere. The trailer gave a glimpse of the riveting storyline and the challenges faced by the lead characters.
Number of Total Episodes
As of now, the series has aired over 16 episodes. Each episode brings new twists and turns, keeping the audience hooked to their screens.
“Khamoshiyaan Gungunaane Lagi” has received mixed reviews from viewers. The series has been praised for its engaging storyline, strong performances, and the portrayal of a woman’s journey toward self-discovery. However, some viewers have criticized the show for being regressive and for its portrayal of certain relationships.
Latest Details for Serials
“Khamoshiyaan Gungunaane Lagi” is telecast every day at 11:30 PM. The series follows the life of Chiraiyya, an ‘unwanted child’ who faces many hardships. As a ray of hope, Saarang enters her life, and a new journey begins.