India’s Best Dancer 4 continues to win over audiences with its incredible talents. In the upcoming episodes, Uorfi Javed will be a special guest, adding her charm to the show. Geeta Kapur will also be in the spotlight as she plays matchmaker, setting up a performance between Terence Lewis and Uorfi Javed.
In a new promo for the show, Uorfi Javed reveals that she has been single for over three years. Geeta Kapur, a judge on the show, mentions that Terence Lewis is also single. The two take the stage and perform a sultry act to the popular song “Aa Zara Kareeb Se.” After the performance, Geeta says, “Today is the first time I am seeing Uorfi shocked.” Uorfi quickly replies, “If someone as hot as Terence touches you, then…”
The promo shows Terence commenting, “It is not easy to be Uorfi. Everyone sees the glamour, but…” Before he can finish, Uorfi interrupts with a compliment about his outfit, saying, “Today, you are looking glamorous.”
With Uorfi Javed making a special appearance, the episode will feature performances inspired by her unique fashion sense. One dancing duo will perform in high heels, impressing the judges. Karisma Kapoor, who is on the judges’ panel, is seen applauding the performance and bowing to the dancer, acknowledging how challenging it is to dance in heels.