Director Anil Sharma has been keeping fans excited with news about his upcoming projects, including Gadar 3 and Apne 2. In a recent chat with Pinkvilla, Sharma gave updates on both films and shared details about his new project Vanvaas, which stars Nana Patekar and his son Utkarsh Sharma.
After the success of Gadar 2, Sharma has been busy working on Vanvaas. He mentioned that preparations for Gadar 3 are ongoing and the script is being worked on. He plans to focus on Gadar 3 once Vanvaas is released. Sharma described Vanvaas as a modern-day emotional story similar to Gadar, and he is returning to the family genre, reminiscent of his previous films like Shradhanjali, Bandhan Kuchchey Dhaagon Ka, and Apne.
Sharma revealed that Vanvaas is set in Banaras and features the Kumbh Mela. It’s described as a story of emotional trauma and life’s journey that will resonate with everyone. He promised it would be released by the end of the year, after which he will start on Gadar 3.
When asked about Apne 2, Sharma was reserved and said they would discuss it later. He emphasized his belief in creating sequels that continue the story of the original characters, as audiences have already connected with them. Introducing new characters could be more challenging.