Ananya Panday recently launched the trailer for her upcoming web series, Call Me Bae. At the event, she shared that the show draws inspiration from several women-led comedies, including Clueless with Alicia Silverstone and Sonam Kapoor’s Aisha. She also spoke about her experience working on this long-format series.
On August 20, Ananya introduced the trailer of her first OTT series, Call Me Bae, in Mumbai. In the show, she plays the lead character, Bae, also known as Bella Chaudhary, who comes from a wealthy family. However, her life takes a surprising turn when she finds herself in a middle-class situation.
Talking about the show, Ananya explained that it has the vibe of the “chick-flick kind of movies” she enjoyed growing up. She mentioned, “And then there was obviously Poo, who was iconic. I literally dressed up as Poo two years ago… I have all her quotes on my mirror and everything, so she’s really left an imprint on me. It’s like a mix of Schitt’s Creek, Clueless, Aisha, and Nancy Drew…”
Ananya noted that we don’t often see many “light, young adult, happy and fun” shows. Despite her character having these qualities, Ananya emphasized that Bae is “fully her own person.” She also mentioned that this role was both fun and challenging for her.
She explained that this is her first time working on a long-format series. Unlike movies, where there are only a few scenes and limited time to develop a character’s backstory, a long-format show allows for deeper character development.
Ananya also praised the team behind the show, especially for the well-written dialogues, and said she had a great time working on it.
Call Me Bae also features Vir Das, Varun Sood, Vihaan Samat, Muskkkaan Jaferi, and others. Produced by Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, and Somen Mishra under Dharmatic Entertainment Pvt Ltd, the show is set to stream on Amazon Prime Video on September 6, 2024.