Asha Negi, known for her role in Pavitra Rishta, recently shared a heartfelt message on social media about the re-release of the 2019 film Laila Majnu. The movie, which stars Avinash Tiwary and Tripti Dimri, was presented by Imtiaz Ali and directed by his brother Sajid Ali. Asha wrote, “The film will always remain close to my heart no matter how many times I watch it.”
Asha also expressed her excitement about seeing the film in a full theater again. She mentioned that the current love and appreciation the film is getting feels very personal to her. She highlighted the power of cinema as a way to express and connect with people.
Although Laila Majnu was not a big hit when it first came out in 2019, it gained a lot of love and positive feedback after being released on OTT platforms. This success led the filmmakers and distributors to decide to bring the movie back to theaters. It was re-released on August 9, and since then, more people have been going to see it in cinemas.
The film is a romantic drama inspired by the classic story of Layla and Majnu, set in a modern context. It is beautifully shot in Kashmir, blending the traditional tale with contemporary elements.
For the cast and crew, the film’s return to theaters is a big achievement, driven by fan demand. Asha Negi, who played a lead role, shared her deep emotional connection to the film in a touching social media post. Her performance resonated with audiences and showcased her talent for connecting with the film’s deep emotions.