Anupamaa: A Star Plus Serial
“Anupamaa” is a popular Hindi drama series premiered on Star Plus. The series features a talented cast, including Rupali Ganguly as Anupamaa Shah, Sudhanshu Pandey as Vanraj Shah, Paras Kalnawat as Samar Shah, Madalsa Sharma as Kavya, and many others.
Release Date
The Hindi serials in apne Tv series first aired on Star Plus on July 13, 2020. Since then, it has been a favorite among viewers for its compelling storyline and relatable characters.
The trailer for “Anupamaa” was released before the show’s premiere and successfully piqued the audience’s interest. The trailer showed the riveting storyline and the challenges faced by the lead character, Anupamaa.
Number of Total Episodes
As of now, the series has aired over 1,278 episodes. Each episode brings new twists and turns, keeping the audience hooked to their screens.
“Anupamaa” has received positive reviews from viewers and critics alike. The series has been praised for its engaging storyline, strong performances, and the portrayal of a woman’s journey toward self-discovery. The character of Anupamaa, a devoted wife, mother, and daughter-in-law who embarks on a journey of self-realization after being taken for granted by her family, has resonated with many viewers.
Latest Details for Serials
“Anupamaa” is telecast every night at 10:00 PM from Monday to Saturday. The series follows the life of Anupamaa, a homemaker who doesn’t get any credit for her invaluable service to the family. After a bitter realization, she sets out to live on her terms.
In conclusion, “Anupamaa” is a must-watch for those who enjoy drama series with a blend of emotion, suspense, and societal issues. The series promises a captivating viewing experience with its adept characters, intriguing plot, and stellar performances.